Convenience Stores
Fill up more than just gas
As a convenience store operator, you know how a hot beverage program relates to revenue sales and higher profits. The competition for a loyal coffee customer is fierce as these consumers’ preferences change and they seek out such options such as Fair Trade or organic coffees, seasonal flavors, or a uniquely custom blend. With the high-profit margins that coffee can offer, partnering with us will result in optimizing these opportunities. We’ll help you build a uniquely successful coffee island enticing your customer to fill up their coffee cups as well as their gas tanks.
Our team will assist you in matching the right products for your store and market. We’ll demonstrate how to provide your customers with a premium coffee program that builds loyalty and repeat sales every day. As a long-standing member of the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS), we stay current on industry resources, reports and trending information and utilize these resources to assist you in building profits.
Everything you need to increase your overall sales
- Private label
- Complete collection: Certified Organics, Fair Trade, seasonal selections, flavored, decaffeinated
- Flexible bag size
- Joe Knows Coffee™ – turnkey program

Chief Sales Officer
Rich Schaasfma started with Paramount Coffee Company in 1994 as a route delivery sales person. The many titles he’s held and his years of service at Paramount have enabled Schaasfma to develop a keen knowledge rarely seen in the coffee industry. He is highly respected for his commitment to quality and service, and plays a major role in market growth for Paramount Coffee Company, both in Michigan and nationwide.