Food Service
We take pride in our long history of support for the food service industry.
Paramount Coffee Company’s knowledge of the food service industry is unparalleled. Our experience dates back to 1935 where the first customers we served were restaurateurs. Through the years we became recognized by the food service industry for our commitment to product quality and consistency. We also became known for our leadership in market insights, beverage trends and innovations that drive profits and revenue for our customers. Our signature blend, Diner’s Choice, developed over fifty years ago, remains one of our most popular coffees today.
Paramount Coffee Company – Always The Perfect Cup.

Chief Sales Officer
Rich Schaasfma started with Paramount Coffee Company in 1994 as a route delivery sales person. The many titles he’s held and his years of service at Paramount have enabled Schaasfma to develop a keen knowledge rarely seen in the coffee industry. He is highly respected for his commitment to quality and service, and plays a major role in market growth for Paramount Coffee Company, both in Michigan and nationwide.